Our Journey of Reconciliation

St. Jude's is committed to reconcilation with Indigenous peoples. Our journey of reconciliation began in many ways when as Anglicans we began to reflect on the history of Indian Residential Schools and our church's participation in the systemic racism imbedded in that work.

On August 6, 1993, Archbishop and Primate Michael Peers delivered an apology to the Sacred Circle (then called the National Native Convocation) in Minaki, Ontario, for the Anglican Church of Canada’s role in residential schools. The apology came after three days of emotional testimonies from residential school survivors, while a lengthy downpour of rain took place outside at the gathering. View the apology here.

While the Diocese of Niagara never operated a Residential School, its parishes, including St. Jude's, participated in the settlement of legal claims related to the school's operation. Additional funds were contributed to the "healing fund."

On this page we hope to provide resources and news about our journey of reconciliation.