Your generosity is changing lives

Simple and secure giving. Give one-time or schedule recurring giving using the options below.
Other Ways to Give
There are many ways to make your gift to St. Jude's.

Pre-authorized Giving (PAG)

Pre-authorized Giving is by far the most convenient way to make a regular monthly gift to St. Jude's. Simply complete the form at the link below and bring it into the church office and you will be enrolled. You are able to choose the date(s) each month that you would like your bank account to be debited and the funds will be automatically transfered. St. Jude's keeps a record of your giving and you will receive your annual Charitable Giving's Receipt for all your giving in February of the following year. 


From your online banking you can make an e-transfer to St. Judes and the funds will be transferred to St. Jude's. You will receive your tax receipt from St. Jude's in February of the following year.

Credit Card

We are able to accept your gifts by credit card either in person at the church office or on this website. You will receive your tax receipt from St. Jude's in February of the following year. Click on the "Give Online" button above.

Canada Helps

Canada Helps assists Canadian charities with online giving and the receipt of gifts of shares. When making a gift through Canada Helps St. Jude's receives the funds, however, your Charitable Givings receipt is provided by Canada Helps and is immediately available. 

Give through Canada Helps
Mobile-giving app
Give using the our Church App.