It takes many hands to fulfil the wide variety of ministries and services at St. Jude's.
The churchwardens and rector together act as a corporation who look after the temporal affairs of the parish.
Senior Wardens: Nancy Coombs and Kevin Coleman. Deputy Wardens: Martha Denning and Henry Popp.
The Parish Council is an advisory body to the Corporation and is charged with discerning the extent to which the parish is fulfilling its mission in the neighbourhood. The Parish Council meets monthly through most of the year.
David Anderson (Priest-in-Charge); Nancy Coombs, Kevin Coleman, Martha Denning, and Henry Popp (Churchwardens); Cheryl Hudson, Sally McFadyen, Dave Haslett, Nancy Harris (Lay Delegates to Synod and Alternate); Nick Choules-Burbidge (Treasurer); Elizabeth Chalmers (Justice and Servant Ministries); Hamish Guthrie (Greening Committee); Chris Punnett (Christian Education); Susan Wray-Toogood (Stewardship); Rob Doyle (Property).