Warmest appreciation to all who participated in making this year's Christmas Bazaar the great success, raising the largest amount of funds in our history, $13,090.90.
Many thanks go to all of our tireless workers, Sally McFadyen and Debbie Havell our coordinators, the 'table bosses,' and all their helpers. Thanks also to the many highschool students who offered their cheerful assistance throughout the day. And thank you to Roger Beach who dealt with the finances.
The success of the Bazaar is measured not only by the monies raised. The event was also successful in terms of the friendship, comraderie, and hospitality shared and extended by the many volunteers. Our neighbours obviously love this St. Jude's tradition. It shows St. Jude's at its best.
Another measure of success is the good work that will be done by the monies raised. Last year's bazaar and rummage sale proceeds supported a bursary for Ukrainian refugee students at Sheridan College; the work of the Tomato Ladies who provide monthly dinners in a local homeless shelter; the Rector's Discretionary Fund; and Safetynet Children's and Youth Charities; with the largest share going to FairShare Foodbank. This year's monies will similarly support a number of local causes that will improve the lives of our vulnerable neighbours.
Well done St. Jude's!