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Children's Church has returned to St. Jude's

Our new Coordinator of Children's, Youth, and Family Ministry, Carmen Almeida, will be leading this program for children ages 7 through 11. 

Where to Gather

When children arrive on Sunday morning for the 10:30AM service, they should come with those who brought them to gather with the rest of the worshipping community in the church proper. The children will continue with the whole community as it gathers to sing its opening songs of praise and prays the Collect of the Day (opening prayer). From there (before the readings), the children will be led to the "Upper Room" where their worship and learning will continue. The children will return to the church proper to join the full community at the sharing of the Holy Eucharist.

Children and the Eucharist

By the way, all people (including children) are always welcome to receive the Holy Eucharist. All baptized persons are especially encouraged to receive. Those who may prefer to receive a blessing should cross their arms in front the their chest as the priest comes to deliver the bread. The priest will be happy to offer a blessing. Those who prefer not to receive the wine, may indicate their desire in the same way as the minister comes to deliever the cup, crossing their arms in front of their chest.