The Choral Service at 10:30AM. Presiding Celebrant and Homilist: Canon Patterson. The St. Jude's Choir.
Music. Mass Setting: A Parish Communion - Martin How (b. 1931). Anthem: Rise Up, My Fair One - Healey Willan (1880-1968). Psalm 4, Plainsong. Prelude: Prelude on "St. Columba" - Healey Willan (1888-1968). Postlude: Finale Jubiante -Healey Willan (1880-1968). Hymns: Awake, Arise, Lift Up Your Voice; Come, O Thou Traveller Unknown; He Comes to Us As One Unknown; Jesus Lives! Thy Terrors Now.
Image: "Breaking Bread," Christa Prema Seva Ashram, Pune, India.