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Some News from Your Stewardship Committee

We have received much interest in Canon David's comments on financial stewardship matters in his sermon this past Sunday. You can read those comments here.

Highlights of the stewardship matters in that message included:

  • the good news that the projected deficit in the parish's operating funds at the end of the first two quarters has been reduced through increased parishioner giving and expense reductions so that the projected deficit has been reduced to less than $100,000;
  • the vital, life-changing ministries of the parish are only sustainable as we all participate through our stewardship of time, talent, and treasure; and,
  • the reminder that every gift, no matter how small, matters because it takes us all working together.

The Stewardship Committee has recently met and has since had the opportunity to report to the Corporation of the parish. We want to let you know of a few of our plans.

  • Preparations for the 2025 pledge campaign have begun. Parishioners will first have the opportunity to make their financial pledges for 2025 online. Each parishioner will receive an email linking them to a narrative budget that will describe the ministries that our financial gifts to the parish support. A link to a pledge form will be included. Pledge forms and the narrative budget will be mailed to parishioners who were not able to respond online.
  • Exploration Groups. In the coming weeks, parishioners will be invited to attend small group meetings with churchwardens and members of the Stewardship Committee where the financial needs for support of St. Jude's ministries will be discussed. We want to thank all those who support our ministries as volunteer participants and through their financial gifts. We will also talk about the needs for the current year and for 2025. These meetings will occur throughout the parish in the homes of parishioners and will provide a wonderful opportunity to learn and grow together.
  • The Rector will also be making visits to parishioners. 

St. Jude's still faces a projected deficit of a little less than $100,000 by the end of 2024. We offer our deepest thanks to those of our faith family who have already responded to prayerfully consider what they are able to do to help us end the year well. If you haven't responded yet, please do pray about how you can support the good work God has called us to do here at St. Jude's. It does take all of us working together.