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This is an important reminder that the coronavirus COVID-19 is still around and a threat especially to those most vulnerable.

Please be reminded that if you are not well, do not attend church in-person. It is always better to rest at home until you have recovered. We livestream our worship services so that you are still able to join us for worship.

Those who are vulnerable to infection are always welcome (encouraged) to wear a mask when gathering in close proximity with others outside your household.  We encourage all who can to get their regular vaccinations as the best way to keep themselves and others safe.

Since a few infections have arisen among us in the St. Jude's community, this coming Sunday, September 15, we will be taking extra precautions. The choir will not be singing and instead, Corinne DeJong will be our soloist. Those administering communion at the altar rail will do so wearing masks.

Thank you for caring for yourself and others.