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Are you new to the Anglican church and wish to 'make this church your home'? The upcoming Confirmation Service at Christ's Church Cathedral offers the opportunity for people to express their faith in various ways.

A service of Confirmation, Reception, and Affirmation is upcoming on Sunday, October 27, 4 PM at Christ's Church Cathedral. The Reverend Sarah Grondin is offering a course of preparation for those aged eighteen years and under. Canon Anderson will be offering a short course of preparation for adults who wish to participate. Please note, however, that is is not required that adults take the course in order to be Confirmed, Received, or Affirmed. 

Canon Anderson will be offering the short course on Christian Faith and Anglican Practice over two evenings:

  • Monday, September 23, 7 PM
  • Monday, October 14, 7 PM

The sessions will take place in the Rector's Study. To register please call the church office, 905-570-2059.

Confirmation is a rite of the church whereby Christians, particularly those who were baptized as young children. own their baptismal promises for themselves. In the rite of Confirmation the bishop lays hand upon the confirmand and prays for the gift of the Holy Spirit. At one time, confirmation was considered the rite by which persons become full members of the church. We now understand that it is our baptism alone which makes us full members of the church. 

Reception is appropriate for those who have been baptized and confirmed in other traditions. Anglicans fully recognize the baptisms of other churches, but persons who have come from those communions may be formally welcomed into the Anglican fold with the bishop extending the hand of fellowship.

Affirmation is a rite for those who wish to express a significant moment of growth in faith. Persons are welcome to make such an affirmation at the confirmation service and will also be welcomed by the bishop.