The St. Jude’s Choir has long enjoyed a reputation for excellence, adhering to a high musical standard. This accomplished and enthusiastic group currently includes two paid section leads and 30 volunteer singers. Entry is by informal audition.

The repertoire, drawing from St. Jude’s extensive music library, focuses on the finest music in the Anglican choral tradition, with mass settings, canticles and anthems from the 16th century to the present. This choir also takes part in St. Jude’s monthly Choral Evensong, Christmas Nine Lessons and Carols service, and spring choral concert.

The Choir’s tours in North America and the U.K. have included venues such as the Mohawk First Nations community at Tyendinaga, St. Thomas’s Fifth Avenue, Winchester and Ripon Cathedrals and Romsey Abbey, to name but a few.

For more information or to arrange an audition, please contact the Director of Music, Sebastian Moreno, at