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8 AM |  Early Service. Holy Eucharist (said) in the tradition of the Book of Common Prayer. Presiding Celebrant and Preacher: Canon Patterson.

10:30 AM  | Choral Service. Holy Eucharist in the best of the Anglican tradition with hymns. Presiding Celebrant: Canon Anderson. Preacher: Canon Patterson. The St. Jude's Choir. Livestreamed

Readings for the Day: Holy Eucharist: Genesis 28:10-17; Psalm 103:19-22; Revelation 12:7-12; John 1:47-51.

Music Notes for the Day.

4 PM | Ordination to the Priesthood. The ordination of The Reverends Sarah Grondin, Mike Degan, Monica Green,  David Montgomery, and Russell Wardell. Ordaining Bishop and Presiding Celebrant: The Right Reverend Dr. Susan J.A. Bell, Bishop of Niagara. Preacher: The Reverend Victor Kischak, Rector of St. George's Guelph. This service takes place at Christ's Church Cathedral, 252 James St. N., Hamilton. All are welcome to attend this exciting event in the life of our diocese, either in-person or virtually via the diocesan YouTube channel!

Image: A statue of Archangel Michael conquering Lucifer, photograph, 2018. Gasson Hall, Boston College, Boston, United States. Used by permission under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license.