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8 AM |  Early Service. Holy Eucharist (said) in the tradition of the Book of Common Prayer. Presiding Celebrant and Preacher: Canon Anderson. Assisting Minister: Deacon Grondin.

10:30 AM  | Choral Service. Choral Holy Eucharist in the best of the Anglican liturgical and choral traditions. Presiding Celebrant and Preacher: Canon Anderson. Assisting Minister: Deacon Grondin. Soloist: Corinne DeJong. Livestreamed.

Click here for the Music Notes for this Sunday.

Readings for the Day: Holy Eucharist: Proverbs 1:20-33; Psalm 19 |or|  Wisdom 7:26 - 8:1 (as canticle); James 3:1-12; Mark 8:27-38. 

Image: Coventry Cathedral - burned timbers in shape of a cross, 1956-1962, architectural feature. Coventry Cathedral, Coventry, United Kingdom.