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Our Lenten study (John 7-8) is part 2 of a two-part series, the first part of which (John 5-6) formed our Advent study.  In part 2, the intensity of Jesus’ confrontation with his contemporaries heats up.  He is increasingly pressed, but more importantly, he himself increasingly confronts and presses, until, in the last verse of chapter 8, his listeners lift up stones to stone him.  Here is no Jesus ‘meek and mild’; no Jesus ‘comforting and encouraging’. 

What are we to make of it?  Is this the one whom we look upon as our gracious saviour and friend, in good times and bad?  But then, the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom! 

Join Darcey and Patrick, and dare to take the plunge – to be confronted and unsettled, but yes also, by God’s grace, brought the more alive and alert to the glory of the one who is our (and the world’s) sure and certain hope – our redeemer and Lord.

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